Monday, November 22, 2010

Where in the hell where you?

Miss Moody where have you been?
Gone. Not so much physically but just gone. As much as the word can describe.... gone.
Moody has been making wigs... Moody has been screaming... Moody has been happy.
I am done geriatric-sitting. I am spending my time creating writing and being the many facets of me. I missed moody. She missed me.
And now to be a little less confusing...
I have started creating a wig from scratch. Which is a pain in the ass. Especially with plastic tools not originally intended for the task at hand. While endlessly larks head knotting loose blue hair into a weaving cap is teadious, it made for a relaxing three hours only to accomplish....
It looks like a lot and nothing all at the same time which is fulfilling in a disappointing sort of way.
Being slightly random and mildly ADHD i hvae started working on something else and intend to go back to my wig. All though it sits in a very entertaining manner for now...
