I quickly got over the guilty feeling being so unaware that first day.
Miss Lyla is up 5oz from her last visit. Happy, healthy baby. Life is pretty great.
I find we, as greedy filthy humans, often get caught up in the things we don't have or can't do. We are reminded daily of what we do have, will you acknowledge the positive?
I have an amazing support system. My family supports me in everything I do. I am really very lucky to have such a functional family, It truly affected my development in a positive way. My friends are amazing. Not only would my friends still defend me if I was wrong, they would most likely logic their way into making you wrong instead of me... and they'd make you belive it too. I am blessed to have these things so readily available to me, so much so I forget to sccess them sometimes.
I have an amazingly compassionate husband. He thinks I am super woman. He really believes I am amazing at everything. I am not, but its definately an encouragement to live up to those thoughts. He does everything for me, and his little girl. His drive is so inspiring.
I have done and expierenced some things that most people will never expierence.
I am truly grateful for the things I have and the things I have coming.
My family has had its fair share of hurdles, bad and worse, but I wouldn't trade this for the world right now.
We have come so far. Through the seizures and the sickness, the recovery and the seperation to the beach and the tears of joy, the little girl and the old country house.
Life is still a challenge, and that's ok. Nothing worth having comes easy.
Hindu elephant god. The god invoked at the beginning of every hindu ritual.
He represents conquering obstacles and change.
I hope to perfect my drawing into a tattoo worthy color depiction with pink lotus blossoms and maybe a circlular design.
I'm getting ahead of myself but drawing is about the only thing that doesn't make me tired.
7 days and counting until I meet my little girl.
Early last week I spent around 6 hours in the maternity ward.
I had gone in for a routine ultrasound and was immediately sent to the hospital. Low amniotic fluid levels.
The nusre kindly asked me, as she was hooking me up to all the monitors, "your not panicing are you?" I was. I didn't say that I was, but who wouldn't be? I'm being told something coud be desperately wrong. Panicing.
Hours went by and the nuses kept telling me that my baby was the most active on the floor, perfect on the monitors. So, why am I here?
Waiting, waiting to hear from the doctor. That's why.
Close to hour 5 I had yet another ultrasound. The little one kept kicking the monitor and wand. That's my girl.
Soon after, with little knowledge, I was released. After 6 hours of hearing I may have to have my possible 5lb 14oz baby by emergency c section I was released with no restrictions.
Both scans were wrong. Her womb wading pool has enough fluid. She is just fine.
Of course she is still breech. So they have put an expiration date on my pregnancy.